CubeLoop (PC)


A space adventure, about the exploration of an unknown cube-shaped planet.
A project co-developed by a team of four students for an engineering project.

  • Open world, with unique world generation
  • Exploration, gathering, crafting and logic puzzles in a unique LowPoly atmosphere
  • Extensive space station construction system, combat and underground vaults with logic puzzles

My role in the project

As the originator, I am responsible for designing mechanics, programming, generating the world and underground crypts. I also take care of maintaining a uniform graphical consistency.
I have personally assembled the team to complement each other. I currently manage the project and ensure that weekly sprints are maintained.
CubeLoop was thought of at an early stage of design (during the development of the first version of GDD) as a game that, with modest resources, could be completed as intended and be a larger project that would be enjoyed by the team creating it.
The idea is currently being developed jointly by the whole team.

My elements in production:

World generator

Original and generic board generation system based on randomisation, grid, directories and object pooling.
Production of a unique generating system, in order to explore possible options for generating worlds in a fast and optimal way. An alternative system to generation using noise.

    Currently in development:
  • Seed system and bioms
  • Expand player interaction with the environment and edges
  • Generate underground dungeons
  • Design of individual generated elements
  • The edge passing system

Time, day and night system

An extensive in-game time system, interacting with the day and night system. Day staggered in relation to night in proportions of 2/3. Plants, once planted, only grow during daylight hours. Animals and enemy mobs only appear at certain times.

    Currently in development:
  • Environment system and generation of enemies at specific times of the day
  • A system for saving elements of the environment despite changing the planetary wall

Environments, particles and shaders

Level Design and polish the environment is another element that is one of my main responsibilities in production.
While creating the environment, I use Polybrush oraz ProBuildier.
I use the built-in Unity system to create particle effects.
I create shaders using the Unity Shader Graph.
