Minor 3D projects (WebGL)


Set of small created projects, based on the completed course Gamedev.tv - Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D

Expanding my knowledge in Unity, I set my sights on the Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D course, which I did in its entirety. During the course I learned a range of information about working and programming in Unity, laying a solid base for my knowledge.

I would like to mention that the projects were made based on the course, they are not fully original products. They are also not copies, as I made them myself and included minor extensions in terms of additional gameplay elements, mechanics design and code.

Elements learnt in project development:

  • Game Design - Types of design
  • Onion Design
  • Improving knowledge of C# for Unity
  • Time in Unity
  • Cinemachine
  • Collisions and physics
  • Methods for Unity
  • References in Unity
  • Tags
  • Prefabs and their variants
  • Units in Unity
  • Input System
  • Sourcecontrol for Unity via Sourcetree and GitHub
  • Audio in Unity
  • Postprocesing in Unity
  • Scene management
  • Grid Snapping
  • Unity lighting
  • Singleton Pattern
  • ... and much more.
  • Examples of completed and upgraded projects:

    Infinite Increase (Project Boost)

    Original concept: Mini game about flying a spaceship on different scenes.
    Learning elements such as: adding force in unity, rotation, input system and much more.

    Project extension: Rebuilding the game into an endlessrunner.
    I changed the design, added infinite gameplay with running out of fuel.


    Tube Flight (Argon Assault)

    Will be added soon - being prepared for publication.

    Original concept: A rail shooter in an open space, with waves of enemies.
    Learning elements such as: timeline, local rotation, particles as projectiles, terrain and much more.

    Project extension: Rebuilding the game towards a more arcade model.
    I changed the styling, rebuilt it into a fun game of avoiding and destroying obstacles.


    Realm Defence (Realm Rush)

    Original concept: A towerdefence game.
    Learning elements such as: grid snapping, prefab variants, currency system, directories and much more.

    Project extension: Minor expansion of the project.
    Expanded the gameplay to include enemy life bars, changed the camera system, reworked the gameplay system, added UI and rebuilt the pathfinding of enemies.
