About Me


Who am I?

Working on games was never an imaginary dream for me. It wasn't until my first year of university when I discovered Unity and started improving my C# programming skills. At that point I noticed that it was spending my evenings developing in Unity until dawn that took up most of my free time.

For the past four years, I have been focusing entirely on game design and programming, expanding my knowledge based on my development plan almost every day. I have had the opportunity to work in international teams on projects for mobile and PC platforms.

I am convinced that I will bring additional quality and energy to your team with my determination, commitment and passion for creation.

My Skills:

  • Unity Development
  • Work experience 3 years+

    Good knowledge of the Unity environment proven by a number of projects on various engine aspects. Focus on designing mechanics. Working on the GIT version control system and in an Agile working system.

  • C#, .Net
  • Work experience 3 years+

    Knowledge of OOP principles, couple of projects in WPF technology, Xamarin and own API based on ASP.NET Core.
    Certified knowledge MTA 98-361.
  • HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 4.5+, JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Academic level with work experience 1 year+

    Knowledge of WEB application development based on HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript and TypeScript. A couple of interactive web projects.
    Certified knowledge MTA 98-375.
  • SQL
  • Academic level with work experience 1 year+.

    A couple of database projects and regular querying and edition of commercial databases. Expanding the online shop database with over 2000 products.
    Certified knowledge MTA 98-364.
  • Adobe Creative Cloud: Photoshop, PremierPro, AfterEffects, Ilustrator, XD
  • Work experience 2 years+

    Dozens of completed commercial projects: video, 2D and 3D animation post production, graphic design for print and web use. Several UI projects for mobile devices and the Web.

  • Blender
  • Extended academic level

    A set of smaller models and animations prepared for my own projects, mainly in LowPoly technique. Knowledge of basic 3D concepts, creating my own Maps and UV's. Continuous desire to expand knowledge.
  • Pakiet Microsoft Office - Word, Excel, PowerPoint
  • Work experience 3 years+

    Thorough knowledge of Microsoft Office. Focus on Excel, knowledge of a range of statistical and econometric functions, creating my own macros.
    Certified knowledge MOS 77-725.
  • ... and much more.
  • Work Experience

    Unity C# Developer

    08.2021 - 08.2023

    Remote work as Game Developer in a couple of internal international teams developing mobile games for Android and IOS platforms.

      My Duties:
      Mid-Core & HyperCasual team (Kickstart Team)
    • Development of new projects and their publication on IOS/Android platforms
    • Taking over in development projects and bringing them to publication
    • Refreshing and updating older projects
    • Taking care of code quality and project structure

    • Hunt Royale RPG team (Nano Team)
    • Working on a released MOBA/Online RPG project with over 5+ million downloads:
      Hunt Royale: Action RPG
    • Project development on various platforms: IOS/Android/Huawei
    • Adding new gameplay features
    • Code quality assurance, refactoring and bugfixing

    Cubeloop Team
    Team Leader, Lead Unity C# Developer

    08.2020 - 08.2021 (Part-time)

    Working in a team of four on a project CubeLoop.The team formed during the academic period and our work was overseen by female employees of the Frozen District

      My Duties:
    • Design and development of an Action Adventure 3D game project
    • Adding and designing new gameplay elements
    • Building an open world project with survival elements
    • Maintaining a uniform graphic consistency

    A-LAN Technologie
    IT specialist

    08.2020 - 08.2021

    Working as an IT specialist for a Polish structured cabling manufacturer. Regular work on the development of the front-end sales platform.

      My Duties:
    • Care and development of the sales platform for B2B clients
    • Development of an administration panel based on Inspinia
    • Internal IT support and expansion of product data base
    • Care and service of a strategic customer

    Panopticon Films & Stream Vision
    Visual Creator

    08.2018 - 08.2020

    At the film house, I had the opportunity to work in animation creation, video recording and editing, and work in planning and devising projects with clients.

      My Duties:
    • Planning and production of visual creation - video and animation 2D/3D
    • Working on the organization of visuals for online streaming
    • Internal IT support, work on internal backup system for audiovisual projects
    • Organisation of a solution aimed at improving work arrangements and building an internal workflow

    Deputy Chief Editor

    08.2017 - 08.2018

    Back in my high school days, my writings on technology got me into the technology editorial department, where I managed to become deputy editor after only three months.

      My Duties:
    • Regular publication of videos and texts about technology.
    • Collaboration and contact with partner companies like Philips, LG, ASUS and more
    • Management, editing and publication of materials of the video section of the editorial office
    • Standardisation of the visual identity of the website
    • Collaboration with the editorial team


    Digital Dragons (2022)
    "How to level up your prototypes in Unity"

    English-language talk in front of an audience at Digital Dragons 2022 in Krakow, Poland.

    Hackerspace GameJam (2023)
    "Jak usprawnić proces prototypowania w unity - case study"

    A lecture for Hackerspace GameJam participants to prepare participants for the hackathon.


    College Of Economics And Computer Science in Cracow
    Computer Science | 2017-2022

    Specialisation: Computer game design.
    Title: Engineer

    The university works with Microsoft and local IT companies.
    Computer game production classes are organised under the guidance of people working in the "GameDev" industry from the, among others, Frozen District studio.
    Introductory courses on gamedevelopment topics such as 2D and 3D animation, game sounds, shaders, level desgin and much more based on Blender and Unity.

    Microsoft MTA and MOS certificates

    Microsoft Technology Associate
    MTA 98-361 Software Development Fundamentals C#
    MTA 98-364 Database Fundamentals
    MTA 98-375 HTML 5 Application Development Fundamental

    Microsoft Office Specialist
    MOS 77-725 Microsoft Office Word 2016: Core Document Creation, Collaboration and Communication (Authentication)